La buena vida –
The good life
The good life
by Jens Schanze, documentary, Germany/Switzerland 2015
Festivals, Awards
Best Documentary, Bavarian Film Award, 2015, Germany
Nominated for the German Human Rights Film Award, 2016, Germany
Doc Selection 2015, European Film Academy
Shortlist German Film Award, 2015
Best Film, Naturfilmfestival Neusterlitz, 2015, Germany
Best Documentary, Boston International Latino Festival, 2016, USA
Best Film Sustainable Development, Festival du Film Vert, 2016, Switzerland
Best Documentary Feature Film, Golden Tree Int. Documentary Film Festival Frankfurt, 2016, Germany
Best Film, Festival du Film, Recherche, Développement Durable, FReDD, 2016, France
Main Award, 14th Gdańsk DocFilm Festival, 2016, Poland
Audience Award, Festival des Umwelt- und Naturfilms, Ökofilmtour, 2016, Germany
Jury Award, Robert Geisendörfer Award, 2017, Germany
Nominated for the Marler Media Award Human Rights, 2017, Germany
DEKALOG Film Award related to the 7th commandment, Guardini Stiftung, 2016, Germany
Special Mention, Festival Internacional de Cine Ambiental, FINCA, 2016, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Berlinale, 2015, Germany
Visions du Réel, 2015, Nyon, Switzerland
Festival Internacional del Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano, 2015, Havana, Cuba
Dokfest München, 2015, Germany
San Diego Latino Film Festival, 2016, USA
Human Rights & Arts Film Festival, 2016, Australia
Festival - Film, Recherche et Développement Durable Toulouse, 2016, France
Nonfiktionale, Bad Aibling, 2017, Germany
Go Future Festival, Charleroi, 2017, Belgium
Festival du Film Vert, 2016, Switzerland and France
Millenium International Documentary Film Festival Brussels, 2016, Belgium
Festival Internacional de Cine de Barranquilla, 2016, Colombia
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights Geneva, 2016, Switzerland
14th Verzio, International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Budapest, 2017, Hungary
Escales Documentaires, Documentary Film Festival, La Rochelle, 2017, France
Doc Feed Film Festival Eindhoven, 2016, Netherlands
Boston International Latino Festival, 2016, USA
Ekofilm Festival, 2015, Czech Republic
CinemAmbiente Environmental Film Festival Turin, 2015, Italy
Latinodocs Festival Toulouse, 2015, France
Docs Barcelona+Medellin, 2015, Colombia
FICCI, Cartagena International Film Festival, 2015, Colombia
Environmental Film Festival, Washington D.C., 2016, U.S.
Festival Latino, Mannheim, 2015, Germany
Guth Gafa International Documentary Film Festival, 2015, Ireland
Crossroads Festival Graz, 2015, Austria
Festival des neuen Heimatfilms Freistadt, 2015, Austria
Kinofest Lünen, 2015, Germany