D / E
Play with the devil –
Becoming Zeal & Ardor
A documentary by Olivier Joliat and Matthias Willi, 72 min., CH, 2023

With his band Zeal & Ardor Swiss musician Manuel Gagneux was catapulted overnight from the underground to the big stages of the world. The bold mix of Black Metal and old work songs and field hollers by African-American slaves – his answer to a racist provocation on the Internet – is politically explosive.
Religion, racism, segregation and appropriation: With his music Gagneux is questioning and breaking taboos. But being praised as a new kind of leader by his fans frightens the introverted artist. How can he deal with the oversized expectations?

Produced by soap factory GmbH and Recycled Tv AG
in co-production with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
Written and directed by Olivier Joliat and Matthias Willi
Original version in Swiss German, English, German with English,
German or French subtitles, 72 min.
With Manuel Gagneux, Marco von Allmen, Rafaela Dieu, Marc Obrist,
Tiziano Volante, Denis Wagner and many more
World rights: soap factory GmbH and RecycledTv AG
Distribution Switzerland: Filmbringer AG, Bern

Solothurner Filmtage 2023, Switzerland
38th DOK.fest Munich, Competition DOK.deutsch 2023, Germany
Music Film Festival Tilburg 2023, Holland
Filmtage Oberschwaben 2023, Weingarten & Ravensburg, Germany
38th Filmfest Osnabrück 2023, Germany
10th Doc’n’Roll Film Festival 2023, London & Cardiff, England
Musical Écran 2023, Bordeaux, France
DOC NYC 2023, New York, USA
Rokumentti Music Film Festival, Finland
24th Sound Unseen Film + Music Festival, Minneapolis, USA
BE Movies 2023, Berne, Switzerland